Common Issues:
I get a "this plugin is not supported" error or I can't load the game in the browser:
Chrome, firefox, and most modern browsers no longer support Unity Webplayer. If you are using browser version of the mod you should use internet explorer or an older version of firefox.
Chrome, firefox, and most modern browsers no longer support Unity Webplayer. If you are using browser version of the mod you should use internet explorer or an older version of firefox.
I get a debug box full of "null reference exception":
Probably you downloaded Unity 5 which sets your webplayer to debug mode by default.
1. Go to
2. Press ALT + Right Click on the console box.
3. Under release channel, change from development to stable or release.
Probably you downloaded Unity 5 which sets your webplayer to debug mode by default.
1. Go to
2. Press ALT + Right Click on the console box.
3. Under release channel, change from development to stable or release.
There should be a 'RCFinal...' folder next to executable
Rename your file to 'RCFinal.exe'.
Rename your file to 'RCFinal.exe'.
I can't chat:
Tab was removed as a default chat selector. If you want to use tab to chat, you can use the chat rebind in the 'human rebinds' section of the pause menu.
Tab was removed as a default chat selector. If you want to use tab to chat, you can use the chat rebind in the 'human rebinds' section of the pause menu.
The mod keeps crashing upon loading:
Very many possibilities for this.
1. Clear your cache.
2. Clear your Unity Webplayer Cache (go to and click the "delete all" button in the gray box).
3. Delete your webplayer prefs files (C:\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\Unity\WebPlayerPrefs).
4. Disable your anti-virus or firewall.
If the mod consistently crashes even after clearing cache, re installing unity, checking your anti-virus/firewall, and clearing unity webplayer cache, then send me the log file (not the error report).
Very many possibilities for this.
1. Clear your cache.
2. Clear your Unity Webplayer Cache (go to and click the "delete all" button in the gray box).
3. Delete your webplayer prefs files (C:\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\Unity\WebPlayerPrefs).
4. Disable your anti-virus or firewall.
If the mod consistently crashes even after clearing cache, re installing unity, checking your anti-virus/firewall, and clearing unity webplayer cache, then send me the log file (not the error report).
Snapshots keep showing up as a gray/white image:
This is a feature, snapshot methods are not always compatible with custom skins unless you and all other players use imgur links.
This is a feature, snapshot methods are not always compatible with custom skins unless you and all other players use imgur links.
I keep getting a white/blank screen on start:
This is a problem with the base game. Potential fix:
This is a problem with the base game. Potential fix:
My skins aren't working properly:
1. Make sure the link ends in .jpg, .png, or .jpeg, and that it actually goes to an image in your browser.
2. Make sure they don't exceed the size limit:
1 MB for tree trunks, houses, and shifters
500KB for titan parts, human costume & human 3dmg/blades, skybox skins
200KB for anything else
3. Make sure the image's dimensions are greater than 4x4 and are powers of two (256 x 256, 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024, etc.)
4. If your skins are showing up pitch black and the dimensions are correct, disable mipmapping.
5. Custom trails will only work on medium or high texture quality.
6. Make sure the image host correctly serves the MIME type. Unity Webplayer is very weird about this,
and will only accept images from certain image hosts.
You can check the MIME type here:
After you click the "check mime type" button, you should get a GREEN verification box that correctly states it as
an image file. If it doesn't, use a different image host, such as imgur or postimg.
7. If you're getting the pink transparent bug, then try using a different image editor or saving it as a JPG instead of PNG.
1. Make sure the link ends in .jpg, .png, or .jpeg, and that it actually goes to an image in your browser.
2. Make sure they don't exceed the size limit:
1 MB for tree trunks, houses, and shifters
500KB for titan parts, human costume & human 3dmg/blades, skybox skins
200KB for anything else
3. Make sure the image's dimensions are greater than 4x4 and are powers of two (256 x 256, 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024, etc.)
4. If your skins are showing up pitch black and the dimensions are correct, disable mipmapping.
5. Custom trails will only work on medium or high texture quality.
6. Make sure the image host correctly serves the MIME type. Unity Webplayer is very weird about this,
and will only accept images from certain image hosts.
You can check the MIME type here:
After you click the "check mime type" button, you should get a GREEN verification box that correctly states it as
an image file. If it doesn't, use a different image host, such as imgur or postimg.
7. If you're getting the pink transparent bug, then try using a different image editor or saving it as a JPG instead of PNG.