- Added /restart rebind (Settings/Keybinds/Restart Game), default is F5
- Added hook skins (special thanks to @hannah)
- Added some new weather presets: day/night cycle, and day/night cycle + weather (special thanks to @Sub)
- Added some UI toggles: Hide names, disable name colors
- Added some game settings (Game/Misc): Racing start time, global hide names
- Added some bomb toggles (Game/PVP): Bomb ceiling, infinite gas, disable titans
- Reworked bomb stats to sync with TLW mod - Allow uncapped render distance
- Color codes will no longer count towards name/guild limits, with a uncolored limit of 40 characters and total limit of 200 characters
- Fixed human skins not loading neck, holster, and blade areas
- Reduced FPS drop when loading skins
- Added global cooldown to gas bursting (0.2s). Emotes will no longer cancel gas burst
- Mac mode is back, but you must re-download this latest version as too many files were changed for auto-update
- UI updated with light and dark themes, you can add additional language translations or themes in Data/Resources folder
- Add weather system, this can be disabled in Settings/Graphics/WeatherEffects OR if you are master client in Settings/Game/Weather
(Custom skyboxes will override weather system, so make sure these are disabled if you are using a weather schedule)
- Add emotes via text, emoji, or animations (default key is N to open emote menu)
- Add achievement / quest system
- Add some graphics settings (render dist, weather effects, camera blur, anti-aliasing, animated intro)
- Add some UI settings (show emotes, show interpolation indicator, change UI theme)
- Custom level rebinds are moved to Settings/Keybinds/Level editor
- User settings and achievement/quest progress are all saved in Data/UserData folder. If you reinstall the game you must move this folder to save your settings and progress
- Special thanks to: Syal & Lunaris for sending many optimizations and anti-cheat functions, Syal & SoupThyme for bomb-mode ceiling code, EliteFuture for several anti-cheat ideas and functions, Meecube for creating the thunderspear model
- Add auto-update
- Add thunderspears (currently exclusive to bomb-mode PVP)
- Disable exclusive fullscreen by default: exclusive fullscreen is an experimental setting that can improve performance
but may have some bugs and crashing issues, if you want to use it make sure to have the "use exclusive fullscreen" setting enabled in settings/graphics
- Fix issue with alt-tabbing using windowed mode
- Fix reel-in and reel-out being frame dependent, disable scroll-wheel reeling when reel-rebind is enabled
- Fix another instance of asset-bundle loading error
- Add a ceiling to bomb-mode maps (city and forest)
- Fix some bugs with racing (specmode, no join prompt, time decimal formatting)
- Fix bug where hooking while getting grabbed causes you to become ethereal
- Fix chat crash
- Add /clear to chat
- Move stylebar to not conflict with minimap
- Fix issue with minimap breaking when tabbing out
- Fix issue with UI sometimes not resetting when tabbing out
- Fix issue with pause causing player to become frozen in multiplayer
- Fix issue with titans sometimes flying at extreme velocity when spawning close together
- Add true fullscreen to windows build (you can revert this by using 'borderless fullscreen' in settings/graphics)
- Re-add file:// support for skin URLs
- Removed default RC skin URLs (forest and city), if you want to use them you can find them in custom skins/basic info
- 'Loading asset bundle' bug is probably fixed now
- Fix mac issue with loading multiplayer servers
- Add aottg-2 donate button
- Fix bug where server kicks you when blinding/crippling titans
- Add south America server
- Updated to aottg-2 servers
- Fix IP grab exploit
- Added 64-bit build, should be more performant
- Login removed because it is no longer functional
- Added option to change AppID in main menu (can be used to connect to custom photon cloud servers)
- Added offline mode
- Added show fps option (general/graphics)
- Added auto aso kdr (have /aso kdr command enabled by default) option (game settings/misc)
- Added game feed to singleplayer
- Some custom map optimization
- Added map editor objects by meecube
- Fixed issue where cannons had excessive boundaries in level editor
- Fixed issue where cannons gave points without killing larger titans
- Fixed issue where cannons could not kill smaller titans
- Cannons & supply now scalable with size/materials
- Player pivoting in air more responsive
- Dead bodies will no longer generate cloth, should improve caching slightly
- Added new custom map objects created by Meecube
- Some crash issues, especially from lots of players dying should be fixed. Thanks to Josh for coming up with the solution!
- False bans when master client restarts or switches should be fixed. Be sure to report it if these still occur.
- Issues with using endless mode and vanilla clients & other mods should be fixed
- Fixed bug where spawning as a titan in infection mode retained the cursor
- Fixed bug where changing camera as a titan caused the cursor to show up
- Fixed bug where respawning while paused caused the cursor to disappear
- While spectating a player you can now see their screen live (check the human rebinds). Will only work on other RC clients.
- Fixed issue where players don't spawn on restart in racing custom maps
- Cannons disappearing/causing kicks should be fixed
- Fixed issue where mounting a cannon while on a horse caused player to continue to move
- Bombs will now have a 5-second starting cooldown if spawning after the round has started for 10 seconds
- Fixed bug where custom maps appear blurry on high quality
- Added some new buildings, modeled by meecube
- Anticheat will now log the reason for autokicks - if you suspect a faulty ban be sure to report it.
- Fixed issue where cannons may not collide with titans if clumped together
- Fixed issue where restarting caused cannons to sometimes spawn multiple times
- Added 3-second delay to shoot when mounting cannon. Skill CD window should now reflect cannon firing cooldown.
- Added option to allow for cannons to kill humans. Disabled by default, will also sync with team mode if enabled.
- Cannons will now grant kills & show kill screen
- Fixed bug where changing characters will still show old cooldown screen
- Fixed issue with unsynced/curving bombs
- Fixed issue where bombs persist after player death
- Fixed AHSS-Reload game setting
- Fixed issue where using bomb mode & custom map pvp setting caused constant resets
- Bombs should now show closer to actual kill radius
- Fixed issue where hooks occasionally hit bombs
- Fixed some issues with effects & particles spawning from the center of the map
- Fixed some issues with titan eren causing lag
- Being killed by eren titan should no longer result in a kick.
- Added CannonWall & CannonGround to the map editor - these are usable in game. Set your cannon rebinds in the pause menu.
Models created by meecube.
- Fixed issue where serverlist showed old games on joining a different server or region
- Fixed wall1 bug
- Fixed issue where players would occasionally be kicked when changing characters
- Bomb mode updated: If you attempt to play with an old version, you will probably be kicked due to false instantiations.
Change your bomb stats/color in the pause menu. This should fix alot of issues with bombs lagging or moving slowly,
and the explosion radius should now reflect the actual kill-region.
- Fixed some labeling in the game settings tab
- Fixed memory leak issues with map editor/front page/pause menu
- Fixed issue where some custom level settings took effect in other maps
- Fixed LAN join button staying after entering lobby
- Fixed LAN kicking issue
- Unused textures should now free up from memory after loading custom skins & levels
- Added new arena objects created by Gun
- Added some new buildings created by Meecube
- Fixed issues with wall1/wall2/wall3 in map editor
- Fixed not being able to join games or see playerlist due to null values
- Holding down gas button will now speed up spectator movement
- Fixed titan skins occasionally not loading for newly joined players
- Added /pause & /unpause - MC only
- Added /fov - change your camera's field of view. Mostly only useful for spectator mode or playing as PT.
- Anticheat updated. Thanks to Josh for the help!
- Fixed texture bug on house1 & tower1
- Added some new houses & walls to the map editor, courtesy of meecube.
- /kill removed from MC. This was meant for the ASO tournament but some people found it before then.
- chat rebind added in human rebinds - if you want to use tab again just rebind it to tab
- fixed TPS crosshair moving on full screen
- fixed left hook unhooking on reload
- horse skins should now work outside of OTW map
- added horse rebinds
- added option for game feed information to show up in chat
- fixed issue where titan spawns couldn't be selected in map editor
- added new objects to geometry
- added racing objects: kill triggers kill players that enter, checkpoints will refill gas & set player's spawn point. May be used outside of racing gamemodes.
- fixed issue where players joining race in progress weren't removing the initial barrier
- being killed will now display the killer's ID in the feed. Should remove some ambiguity behind mods using /kill commands.
- fixed issue where snapshots overwrote minimaps
- added an option to disable minimaps globally in the game settings tab
- fixed issue where minimap keybinds could not be set
- fixed issue where login screen was glitched & could not join games
- Moved all custom game modes to GUI - chat commands will no longer work, look in the 'game settings' tab in the pause menu instead.
- Added 5 second invulnerability to respawns in bomb mode
- Fixed custom logic bug regarding VariablePlayers & regions
- Fixed custom logic bug regarding Random
- Added option to have punk override every 5 waves in custom spawn mode
- Added /revive & /reviveall - MC only
- Added /resetkdall - MC only
- Added horse option in game settings
- Fixed some round end logic, infinite restart should no longer happen
- Removed custom titan # redundancy from custom level GUI tab. Instead use the custom titan game mode in the game settings tab.
- Added minimap. When maximizing the map, you can use scroll to zoom in/out & arrow keys to shift the anchor.
- Anticheat updated.
- LAN button is now enabled. You can set up a locally hosted server and connect to it via IP address. Josh will be posting a tutorial on how to do this pretty soon, I would recommend using it as it allows for complete control over the server logic, meaning you can actually kick players as well as ban by IP address. Ping will also be lower depending on your internet speed & location.
Huge thanks to Josh for helping out with the minimap, anticheat, basically creating LAN and a bunch of other stuff. Next updates will be focused on the ASO tournament, mainly new objects for racing/pvp, so custom logic will probably be swept under the rug until then.
The anticheat is still a bit experimental. If you ever think you're getting falsely kicked by the system then submit a form, with details of the game and what you were doing.
Hotfix version b:
- Fixed reel rebind bug
- Fixed inaccurate RegionRandom functions
- Can't reproduce the not spawning in racing bug - probably outdated clients not syncing correctly
Note: Clear your cache. To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- Added speedometer
- Reworked GUI
- Added private server options (hides your game from public servers, use a custom one for max privacy)
- Background artwork by Gun!
- Speedup key will now work in map editor.
- Added racing mode to custom maps & race start/race end objects to map editor. Race start disappears after 20 seconds, Race end is the flag for winning.
- Added regions to custom maps. Place them in the editor with a signified name & user them later in custom scripts (make sure you don't have more than one of the same name).
- Added custom logic. This may be used on non-custom maps, but region logic will not work. See the attached doc in custom maps tab for a basic overview of how to use it. There are probably ALOT of bugs, but make sure it's not a scripting error before reporting it to me as there are very few checks right now.
- Sign up for the ASO tournament!
- Fixed issue where having no spawns would prevent players from spawning in
- Added arena building to map editor, courtesy of Gun
- Added invisible wall objects to map editor
- Added option to disable map boundaries. Don't go nuts with this, there is still a boundary approximately 10x the current map size so that hooks can still raycast properly, otherwise I don't really recommend having thousands of objects unless I add some kind of partial map loading.
- fixed ghost hook issue
- fixed custom maps not caching correctly on MC switch
- added some new materials & objects to map editor
- added player spawns to map editor
- fixed issue where custom name would sometimes be clipped
- fixed issue where custom wave modes didn't add the correct number of titans
- pvp mode in custom maps will now allow 0 titans
- added /mode endless x, x is the amount of time before respawning players, minimum is 5 seconds
- added /motd x, x is the custom 'message of the day' you want displayed to joining users
- added /mode maxwave x, x is the wave at which the game will end
- Textures will now automatically scale to nearest power of 2.
- Fixed skybox resetting on spawn in custom maps
- Blade trail textures will now work for all quality levels
Custom skin system was changed. Textures must now have dimensions that are powers of 2 (128x128, 512x512, etc) and be greater than 4x4.
Other dimensions tend to have compatibility & performance issues. If your skin shows up as a gold mesh you probably need to resize it.
- You can now type "transparent" into skin link boxes to make the texture transparent. Works with ground, human parts, and leaves.
- Some bug fixes to infection mode
- Restarting should be more responsive, will now work correctly with gameplay modes
- Fixed issue where player list would occasionally go missing
- Fixed issue where health mode made PTs invincible
- Fixed private messaging bug
- Fixed bug where spawning in as a titan before 1 minute caused a kick
- Fixed bug where having exactly 99,199,299, etc. custom map objects caused some not to load
- Skybox textures will now wrap correctly (seam lines)
- Added PVP (gun vs blade) mode to custom maps
- Custom maps will now cache for every player until the map script changes, should decrease disconnections & level load time, and ensure correct syncing.
- Fixed bug where spawning in caused skybox to revert to normal
- Added anticheat detection for mega cannon or whatever
- Added anticheat detection for individual restart/masterclient/destroy exploits
- All network data will now be ignored from unkickable players, signified by a red 'X'. Does not protect unmodded players.
- skybox & ground compatibility fixed in custom maps
- incorrect health on female/colossal for hard & abnormal fixed
- double damage on female/colossal fixed
- size mode, health mode, damage mode, and health bars will now apply to female/colossal
Female titan size is 4, colossal is 20.
- added vsync and fps cap options
- added scroll up/ scroll down for key rebinds
- added female AHSS preset
- added /room time - add or subtract x seconds from current time
- added /room max - set max players
- added /pm ID - private message by ID
- added /resetkd, reset current stats
- added /mode pvp - applies only to gun/blade dynamics. Will not override non-pvp maps or /friendly.
0 for off, 1 for sync with /mode team, 2 for free for all.
- fixed bug where game will occasionally freeze up at 0 titans
- fixed an issue where /restart wouldn't always work, if it says 'error' and the game isn't actually ending then retyping the command should force a restart.
- Map scripts will no longer save to your computer, but will still transfer between rooms, this should fix most of the crashing issues. If you're crashing at start, delete your webplayer prefs (C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\Unity\WebPlayerPrefs).
- Skybox should now work on custom maps. Right now there's a bug where you can't use both ground skins & skybox skins on custom maps, will be fixed later.
- Fixed issue where new waves didn't respawn players in custom maps
- Titan optimization reworked, large groups of titans will no longer lag. Thanks to Josh for bouncing around ideas with me.
- Titan limits increased to 50 titans in game modes. I would do more but it keeps crashing so im pretty sure unity's object limit is exceeded before your FPS drops below 60.
- added /mode wave, customize # of titans added each wave
- added /friendly, disable pvp between AHSS & Blade
- added option to disable mipmapping
- fixed invisible titan bug
- last used human set will now save
- gun skins added, re-download skin folder. Costume, skin, & gun L/R, you can probably guess where the links go.
- Fixed bug where forest games would automatically be set to 5 titan waves
- Fixed village bug
- Fixed material 5 color bug
- General optimizations (caching GameObject.find, components, etc)
- Editor stone1 bug fixed
- Skin sets fixed...again
- Changed the way custom models color, should reduce draw calls
- Custom skins will now cache materials instead of just textures to reduce draw calls
- Titan # and game mode moved to in-game GUI rather than editor
- Fixed bug where players in custom maps didn't spawn on new rounds
- Fixed bug where spawning in before the level was finished loading turned you into a titan and got you banned (I don't even know)
- Fixed bug where custom spawn settings didn't apply to wave games
- Reduced anti-cheat anal detection
- All textures will now mipmap. If you want to scale textures with quality there is a single option in the GUI that applies to all textures.
- Primitives remade in a proper modeling program, no more 800-poly spheres
- Colliders on primitives should be fixed (invisible wall glitch)
- Added pyramid & cone to level editor
Note: Since the primitives were remade, I can't guarantee their location will be the same in custom maps. "Village" model was also changed, so it may not be in the same place.
human skin sets bug should be fixed
- false alarms on anti-cheats should be fixed, be sure to report any
- issue with bomb mode sometimes spamming winner should be fixed
- editor is smoother now, will no longer lag with larger scripts
- leaves are visible on both sides & will no longer collide
- added sanity checks for the editor, you have to be really dumb to be able to screw up now
- imports were optimized somewhat
- added speedup button for editor (default left control)
- added a copy-to-clipboard button, should resolve any level scripts being cut (the script will be cut off in the GUI if it is too long, but should still copy fully)
- lag around the player-spawn area in the editor fixed
- added an object counter to the script window
- fixed issue where players were spawning in random spots instead of the player-spawn
- added ground skin option for custom levels
- added titan spawn points - I HIGHLY recommend you use these since it will prevent titans from spawning inside random buildings.
- added human skin sets
- added level editor
- fixed bug where some rebinds weren't saving
- fixed bug where anti-mc stealing wasn't working properly
- protection for false instantiations has been added, courtesy of bope
If you come across abusive objects that are still able to be spawned without MC, report them and they'll be added to the ban list.
- fixed game not restarting on switch issue
- fixed bug where bombs would get stuck on player
- added a check on minimum snapshot dmg - should reduce instances where you can't kill a titan
- added reel rebind
- added PT moves (grab, slap, cover nape), reverted titanfu to two-combo
Titan controls are now binded separately from settings, you will need to change your Player Titan keybinds in the GUI.
- fixed titan eye issue, redownload the skins folder
- fixed titan hair bald issue yet again, really wish feng didn't misname RPC but it's my fault for not noticing
- The snapshot crashing & lag issue is 'fixed'. Instead of crashing & causing memory leaks it will just return a blank image. Snapshots are compatible with textures downloaded from IMGUR, so if every skin you download is hosted on that site (which is only really likely if you play single player) the snapshots will render correctly. Otherwise they will show just the damage.
Note: Clear your cache. To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- The unity fatal error MIGHT be fixed. If not there isn't much more I can do. Some people have told me that clearing their browser history, cookies, & reinstalling unity webplayer helped them.
- Titan body upped to 1 MB limit
- Bomb mode bug fixed
- Custom titan eyes are fixed...sorta. They might still be kind of off because the way I fixed it makes absolutely no sense, but i'm not sure if there's a difference or if i'm being paranoid.
- added minimum screenshot damage
- fixed damage mode
- some issues with non-modded clients seeing bald titans were fixed, however if you specify links in custom titan hair they will only be set for modded clients, and everyone else will see a bald titan.
Note: Clear your cache. To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- New titan skins added - head & body are combined into one texture, hair uses male texture hair.
Current limit for the body is 500kb, I'll probably increase it next update. Hair and eyes are 200 kb each.
- weapon trail skin added, 200 kb limit. Redownload the skin folder.
- Skins download all at once before loading, meaning there is slightly more delay in initial skin loading
but it is much more efficient once the textures are cached
- added toggles for wind effect & weapon trail
- /antirock added, disable punk throwing rocks, also may or may not have removed the afros
- /mode spawn added, customize spawn rates, please read the notation for this carefully below
- anticheat improved somewhat
- skins not loading with bald hair bug should be fixed
- PT moves and AI PT mode are not updated. Not really sure what to do with this since PTs suck balls now,
probably what I will do is add in punk moves for player titans. AI PT probably won't be updated since the punk ai
is pretty decent so playing with all punks & no rock throwing will give you the same feel.
- white hexcodes for custom names are now allowed since the change is still noticeable.
- Scarfs should now color according to costume texture
- Hoodie added, 200kb limit, redownload the skins folder
- Added single player skin for eren titan
- Fixed vote kick
- /pass removed. New players will only recognize the lowest ID as masterclient regardless of if you change it
- Fixed a few common exploits used by modders
- Logging in is now possible. Custom names will stay, however you cannot use a plain-white name.
Hexcodes like FFFFFF,FAFAFA,FBFBFB,etc will be automatically trimmed from your name.
Note: To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- Bookmarklet code updated to support internet explorer
- Fixed hair color bug
- Human costume & 3dmg/blade size limit upped to 500kb
- name screen will no longer load on character creation screen
- fixed some bugs with not being able to chat, though you will find your name to be buggy if you don't use hex codes correctly
- Custom name & guild name.
You can use hex codes, eg: [ffc000]hi[ff0000]there. There's a 30-char limit for obvious reasons.
- Fixed bug where the chest loaded the costume texture instead of the skin texture.
- Passwords should work correctly now.
Hair color is sorta bugged right now, you won't be able to see anyone else's hair color unless they're using a texture.
Custom titan sizes outside of normal ranges are only visible to people running the mod.
- Human skins are now separated into 10 parts: Hair, eyes, glasses, face (mouth area), skin, costume, left 3dmg/blade, right 3dmg/blade, cape/logo, and gas.
Note: Glasses skins require a model using glasses to work. Costume and hair skins are model dependent, so if you base a hair skin off of female_hair_1, you must use a female character with hair_1 model, same for costumes.
- Skins will retry failed downloads a number of times (should decrease golden mesh bug)
- Shifter skins added
- Nape health mode separated into nape damage mode & actual nape health mode.
- Custom titan size mode added
- /pass added, give masterclient to someone else
- /rules added, check the gamemodes activated
- volume added
200 KB limit on each human part, 1 MB limit on shifter skins
- Skins scaling with quality is now optional
- Fixed bug where master client switch didn't reset team names
- Fixed bug where pressing 1 didn't do anything (or any other HUD bug caused by skins). There is still a 5-10 second delay before the level completely loads and you can spawn, that is normal.
- Custom skin textures now scale with quality settings, this should help reduce lag for lower-end PCs. The max texture scale ends at about half-quality (right before it starts to blur).
- Fixed a few bugs with infection mode (if it gets stuck retype /mode infection # to force a game reset, don't use /restart)
- Master client should no longer override your player titan skin
- City & Forest skins added (tree trunk & house skin limit is 1.5 mb)
- Skins are now loaded from a GUI accessed via pause menu. Thanks to Innti for introducing me to this.
- Air-reloading added
- Nape health mode added (sorta)
- custom titan spawning added
- /ban added
- infinite stamina no longer being updated (maybe ai pt is possible now)
- Infection mode added (partly functional with unmodded clients), please only use this in Forest I / City I
- Skins should now download completely before loading, and joining servers w/ skins should no longer
lag at the beginning(thanks to bope for giving me a few tips).
- /loadconfig addded
- /antieren added
- added friendly fire for teams & bomb mode
- names colored based on team, more aesthetic team scores, etc.
- team sorting added, courtesy of Innti
- point mode added, first to x points wins, endless respawn if used with bomb mode
- titan skins are now loaded from dynamic lists:
If local mode, any file starting with "head" or "body" in their respective folders and ending in .png
is eligible. If multiplier mode, any URL under the lists specified in the config is eligible.
- default local skin extentions changed to png
- Horse skins added
- Titan skins added - you may have a maximum of 5 varieties of titans, which will show if either
you are M or if you choose to play as a player titan. A random number 1-5 is chosen, and that particular skin will be taken
either from the "TitanHeads" and "TitanBodies" folders or from the 5 URL pairs in the config file, depending on the setting.
If a file is missing or a URL is left blank, it will count as a default skin. Player titan skins use only titanskin1.
*Both the Head and Body links have to be filled in for the titan to work! I'll probably change this later
- Skins are now stored rather than downloading every spawn. This should make the lag better, but if skins affect your gameplay
disable them by setting config to 0.
- Scarfs, capes, ponytails should now color correctly
- Multiplayer skin limit increased to 500kb
- Team mode added
- WOW camera special ability bug fixed (I think)
- Flare cooldown reduced to 5 seconds
- TPS vertical look angles increased
- Added player titan moves
- Some multiplayer commands
- Text input limits removed (server name, time limit, etc.)
- displays player IDs for /kick command
- displays room name and # of current players / max players
- Stamina bar removed
- Player Titan mode
- Titan explode mode
- Human vs Human bomb mode
- Custom Skins - visible to anyone running RC mod.
- WOW camera special ability bug fixed (probably)
- /kick changed to use IDs instead of names, IDs are displayed next to players' kdr
- /mkick removed
- shows room name and # of players / max players
- fixed bug where joining a game with bomb mode would restart it prematurely
- bomb stats changed for each individual map
- bombs can now be used while riding horses
- press special ability again to detonate a bomb early
Bomb stats:
Forest: Range 280, explosion radius 35, initial cooldown 10s.
City/Outside: Range 400, explosion radius 50, initial cooldown 10s.
Akina: Range 200, explosion radius 10, initial cooldown 30s.
- airdodge no longer being updated
- stamina bar removed
- titan explode mode (totally not a ripoff)
- human vs human bomb mode
- kicking as M will no longer call for a vote. People also can not vote kick if you are M.
- typing /kick while not M will display it in chat
- Added player titan mode
- Added /mkick
- Added /restart rebind (Settings/Keybinds/Restart Game), default is F5
- Added hook skins (special thanks to @hannah)
- Added some new weather presets: day/night cycle, and day/night cycle + weather (special thanks to @Sub)
- Added some UI toggles: Hide names, disable name colors
- Added some game settings (Game/Misc): Racing start time, global hide names
- Added some bomb toggles (Game/PVP): Bomb ceiling, infinite gas, disable titans
- Reworked bomb stats to sync with TLW mod - Allow uncapped render distance
- Color codes will no longer count towards name/guild limits, with a uncolored limit of 40 characters and total limit of 200 characters
- Fixed human skins not loading neck, holster, and blade areas
- Reduced FPS drop when loading skins
- Added global cooldown to gas bursting (0.2s). Emotes will no longer cancel gas burst
- Mac mode is back, but you must re-download this latest version as too many files were changed for auto-update
- UI updated with light and dark themes, you can add additional language translations or themes in Data/Resources folder
- Add weather system, this can be disabled in Settings/Graphics/WeatherEffects OR if you are master client in Settings/Game/Weather
(Custom skyboxes will override weather system, so make sure these are disabled if you are using a weather schedule)
- Add emotes via text, emoji, or animations (default key is N to open emote menu)
- Add achievement / quest system
- Add some graphics settings (render dist, weather effects, camera blur, anti-aliasing, animated intro)
- Add some UI settings (show emotes, show interpolation indicator, change UI theme)
- Custom level rebinds are moved to Settings/Keybinds/Level editor
- User settings and achievement/quest progress are all saved in Data/UserData folder. If you reinstall the game you must move this folder to save your settings and progress
- Special thanks to: Syal & Lunaris for sending many optimizations and anti-cheat functions, Syal & SoupThyme for bomb-mode ceiling code, EliteFuture for several anti-cheat ideas and functions, Meecube for creating the thunderspear model
- Add auto-update
- Add thunderspears (currently exclusive to bomb-mode PVP)
- Disable exclusive fullscreen by default: exclusive fullscreen is an experimental setting that can improve performance
but may have some bugs and crashing issues, if you want to use it make sure to have the "use exclusive fullscreen" setting enabled in settings/graphics
- Fix issue with alt-tabbing using windowed mode
- Fix reel-in and reel-out being frame dependent, disable scroll-wheel reeling when reel-rebind is enabled
- Fix another instance of asset-bundle loading error
- Add a ceiling to bomb-mode maps (city and forest)
- Fix some bugs with racing (specmode, no join prompt, time decimal formatting)
- Fix bug where hooking while getting grabbed causes you to become ethereal
- Fix chat crash
- Add /clear to chat
- Move stylebar to not conflict with minimap
- Fix issue with minimap breaking when tabbing out
- Fix issue with UI sometimes not resetting when tabbing out
- Fix issue with pause causing player to become frozen in multiplayer
- Fix issue with titans sometimes flying at extreme velocity when spawning close together
- Add true fullscreen to windows build (you can revert this by using 'borderless fullscreen' in settings/graphics)
- Re-add file:// support for skin URLs
- Removed default RC skin URLs (forest and city), if you want to use them you can find them in custom skins/basic info
- 'Loading asset bundle' bug is probably fixed now
- Fix mac issue with loading multiplayer servers
- Add aottg-2 donate button
- Fix bug where server kicks you when blinding/crippling titans
- Add south America server
- Updated to aottg-2 servers
- Fix IP grab exploit
- Added 64-bit build, should be more performant
- Login removed because it is no longer functional
- Added option to change AppID in main menu (can be used to connect to custom photon cloud servers)
- Added offline mode
- Added show fps option (general/graphics)
- Added auto aso kdr (have /aso kdr command enabled by default) option (game settings/misc)
- Added game feed to singleplayer
- Some custom map optimization
- Added map editor objects by meecube
- Fixed issue where cannons had excessive boundaries in level editor
- Fixed issue where cannons gave points without killing larger titans
- Fixed issue where cannons could not kill smaller titans
- Cannons & supply now scalable with size/materials
- Player pivoting in air more responsive
- Dead bodies will no longer generate cloth, should improve caching slightly
- Added new custom map objects created by Meecube
- Some crash issues, especially from lots of players dying should be fixed. Thanks to Josh for coming up with the solution!
- False bans when master client restarts or switches should be fixed. Be sure to report it if these still occur.
- Issues with using endless mode and vanilla clients & other mods should be fixed
- Fixed bug where spawning as a titan in infection mode retained the cursor
- Fixed bug where changing camera as a titan caused the cursor to show up
- Fixed bug where respawning while paused caused the cursor to disappear
- While spectating a player you can now see their screen live (check the human rebinds). Will only work on other RC clients.
- Fixed issue where players don't spawn on restart in racing custom maps
- Cannons disappearing/causing kicks should be fixed
- Fixed issue where mounting a cannon while on a horse caused player to continue to move
- Bombs will now have a 5-second starting cooldown if spawning after the round has started for 10 seconds
- Fixed bug where custom maps appear blurry on high quality
- Added some new buildings, modeled by meecube
- Anticheat will now log the reason for autokicks - if you suspect a faulty ban be sure to report it.
- Fixed issue where cannons may not collide with titans if clumped together
- Fixed issue where restarting caused cannons to sometimes spawn multiple times
- Added 3-second delay to shoot when mounting cannon. Skill CD window should now reflect cannon firing cooldown.
- Added option to allow for cannons to kill humans. Disabled by default, will also sync with team mode if enabled.
- Cannons will now grant kills & show kill screen
- Fixed bug where changing characters will still show old cooldown screen
- Fixed issue with unsynced/curving bombs
- Fixed issue where bombs persist after player death
- Fixed AHSS-Reload game setting
- Fixed issue where using bomb mode & custom map pvp setting caused constant resets
- Bombs should now show closer to actual kill radius
- Fixed issue where hooks occasionally hit bombs
- Fixed some issues with effects & particles spawning from the center of the map
- Fixed some issues with titan eren causing lag
- Being killed by eren titan should no longer result in a kick.
- Added CannonWall & CannonGround to the map editor - these are usable in game. Set your cannon rebinds in the pause menu.
Models created by meecube.
- Fixed issue where serverlist showed old games on joining a different server or region
- Fixed wall1 bug
- Fixed issue where players would occasionally be kicked when changing characters
- Bomb mode updated: If you attempt to play with an old version, you will probably be kicked due to false instantiations.
Change your bomb stats/color in the pause menu. This should fix alot of issues with bombs lagging or moving slowly,
and the explosion radius should now reflect the actual kill-region.
- Fixed some labeling in the game settings tab
- Fixed memory leak issues with map editor/front page/pause menu
- Fixed issue where some custom level settings took effect in other maps
- Fixed LAN join button staying after entering lobby
- Fixed LAN kicking issue
- Unused textures should now free up from memory after loading custom skins & levels
- Added new arena objects created by Gun
- Added some new buildings created by Meecube
- Fixed issues with wall1/wall2/wall3 in map editor
- Fixed not being able to join games or see playerlist due to null values
- Holding down gas button will now speed up spectator movement
- Fixed titan skins occasionally not loading for newly joined players
- Added /pause & /unpause - MC only
- Added /fov - change your camera's field of view. Mostly only useful for spectator mode or playing as PT.
- Anticheat updated. Thanks to Josh for the help!
- Fixed texture bug on house1 & tower1
- Added some new houses & walls to the map editor, courtesy of meecube.
- /kill removed from MC. This was meant for the ASO tournament but some people found it before then.
- chat rebind added in human rebinds - if you want to use tab again just rebind it to tab
- fixed TPS crosshair moving on full screen
- fixed left hook unhooking on reload
- horse skins should now work outside of OTW map
- added horse rebinds
- added option for game feed information to show up in chat
- fixed issue where titan spawns couldn't be selected in map editor
- added new objects to geometry
- added racing objects: kill triggers kill players that enter, checkpoints will refill gas & set player's spawn point. May be used outside of racing gamemodes.
- fixed issue where players joining race in progress weren't removing the initial barrier
- being killed will now display the killer's ID in the feed. Should remove some ambiguity behind mods using /kill commands.
- fixed issue where snapshots overwrote minimaps
- added an option to disable minimaps globally in the game settings tab
- fixed issue where minimap keybinds could not be set
- fixed issue where login screen was glitched & could not join games
- Moved all custom game modes to GUI - chat commands will no longer work, look in the 'game settings' tab in the pause menu instead.
- Added 5 second invulnerability to respawns in bomb mode
- Fixed custom logic bug regarding VariablePlayers & regions
- Fixed custom logic bug regarding Random
- Added option to have punk override every 5 waves in custom spawn mode
- Added /revive & /reviveall - MC only
- Added /resetkdall - MC only
- Added horse option in game settings
- Fixed some round end logic, infinite restart should no longer happen
- Removed custom titan # redundancy from custom level GUI tab. Instead use the custom titan game mode in the game settings tab.
- Added minimap. When maximizing the map, you can use scroll to zoom in/out & arrow keys to shift the anchor.
- Anticheat updated.
- LAN button is now enabled. You can set up a locally hosted server and connect to it via IP address. Josh will be posting a tutorial on how to do this pretty soon, I would recommend using it as it allows for complete control over the server logic, meaning you can actually kick players as well as ban by IP address. Ping will also be lower depending on your internet speed & location.
Huge thanks to Josh for helping out with the minimap, anticheat, basically creating LAN and a bunch of other stuff. Next updates will be focused on the ASO tournament, mainly new objects for racing/pvp, so custom logic will probably be swept under the rug until then.
The anticheat is still a bit experimental. If you ever think you're getting falsely kicked by the system then submit a form, with details of the game and what you were doing.
Hotfix version b:
- Fixed reel rebind bug
- Fixed inaccurate RegionRandom functions
- Can't reproduce the not spawning in racing bug - probably outdated clients not syncing correctly
Note: Clear your cache. To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- Added speedometer
- Reworked GUI
- Added private server options (hides your game from public servers, use a custom one for max privacy)
- Background artwork by Gun!
- Speedup key will now work in map editor.
- Added racing mode to custom maps & race start/race end objects to map editor. Race start disappears after 20 seconds, Race end is the flag for winning.
- Added regions to custom maps. Place them in the editor with a signified name & user them later in custom scripts (make sure you don't have more than one of the same name).
- Added custom logic. This may be used on non-custom maps, but region logic will not work. See the attached doc in custom maps tab for a basic overview of how to use it. There are probably ALOT of bugs, but make sure it's not a scripting error before reporting it to me as there are very few checks right now.
- Sign up for the ASO tournament!
- Fixed issue where having no spawns would prevent players from spawning in
- Added arena building to map editor, courtesy of Gun
- Added invisible wall objects to map editor
- Added option to disable map boundaries. Don't go nuts with this, there is still a boundary approximately 10x the current map size so that hooks can still raycast properly, otherwise I don't really recommend having thousands of objects unless I add some kind of partial map loading.
- fixed ghost hook issue
- fixed custom maps not caching correctly on MC switch
- added some new materials & objects to map editor
- added player spawns to map editor
- fixed issue where custom name would sometimes be clipped
- fixed issue where custom wave modes didn't add the correct number of titans
- pvp mode in custom maps will now allow 0 titans
- added /mode endless x, x is the amount of time before respawning players, minimum is 5 seconds
- added /motd x, x is the custom 'message of the day' you want displayed to joining users
- added /mode maxwave x, x is the wave at which the game will end
- Textures will now automatically scale to nearest power of 2.
- Fixed skybox resetting on spawn in custom maps
- Blade trail textures will now work for all quality levels
Custom skin system was changed. Textures must now have dimensions that are powers of 2 (128x128, 512x512, etc) and be greater than 4x4.
Other dimensions tend to have compatibility & performance issues. If your skin shows up as a gold mesh you probably need to resize it.
- You can now type "transparent" into skin link boxes to make the texture transparent. Works with ground, human parts, and leaves.
- Some bug fixes to infection mode
- Restarting should be more responsive, will now work correctly with gameplay modes
- Fixed issue where player list would occasionally go missing
- Fixed issue where health mode made PTs invincible
- Fixed private messaging bug
- Fixed bug where spawning in as a titan before 1 minute caused a kick
- Fixed bug where having exactly 99,199,299, etc. custom map objects caused some not to load
- Skybox textures will now wrap correctly (seam lines)
- Added PVP (gun vs blade) mode to custom maps
- Custom maps will now cache for every player until the map script changes, should decrease disconnections & level load time, and ensure correct syncing.
- Fixed bug where spawning in caused skybox to revert to normal
- Added anticheat detection for mega cannon or whatever
- Added anticheat detection for individual restart/masterclient/destroy exploits
- All network data will now be ignored from unkickable players, signified by a red 'X'. Does not protect unmodded players.
- skybox & ground compatibility fixed in custom maps
- incorrect health on female/colossal for hard & abnormal fixed
- double damage on female/colossal fixed
- size mode, health mode, damage mode, and health bars will now apply to female/colossal
Female titan size is 4, colossal is 20.
- added vsync and fps cap options
- added scroll up/ scroll down for key rebinds
- added female AHSS preset
- added /room time - add or subtract x seconds from current time
- added /room max - set max players
- added /pm ID - private message by ID
- added /resetkd, reset current stats
- added /mode pvp - applies only to gun/blade dynamics. Will not override non-pvp maps or /friendly.
0 for off, 1 for sync with /mode team, 2 for free for all.
- fixed bug where game will occasionally freeze up at 0 titans
- fixed an issue where /restart wouldn't always work, if it says 'error' and the game isn't actually ending then retyping the command should force a restart.
- Map scripts will no longer save to your computer, but will still transfer between rooms, this should fix most of the crashing issues. If you're crashing at start, delete your webplayer prefs (C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\Unity\WebPlayerPrefs).
- Skybox should now work on custom maps. Right now there's a bug where you can't use both ground skins & skybox skins on custom maps, will be fixed later.
- Fixed issue where new waves didn't respawn players in custom maps
- Titan optimization reworked, large groups of titans will no longer lag. Thanks to Josh for bouncing around ideas with me.
- Titan limits increased to 50 titans in game modes. I would do more but it keeps crashing so im pretty sure unity's object limit is exceeded before your FPS drops below 60.
- added /mode wave, customize # of titans added each wave
- added /friendly, disable pvp between AHSS & Blade
- added option to disable mipmapping
- fixed invisible titan bug
- last used human set will now save
- gun skins added, re-download skin folder. Costume, skin, & gun L/R, you can probably guess where the links go.
- Fixed bug where forest games would automatically be set to 5 titan waves
- Fixed village bug
- Fixed material 5 color bug
- General optimizations (caching GameObject.find, components, etc)
- Editor stone1 bug fixed
- Skin sets fixed...again
- Changed the way custom models color, should reduce draw calls
- Custom skins will now cache materials instead of just textures to reduce draw calls
- Titan # and game mode moved to in-game GUI rather than editor
- Fixed bug where players in custom maps didn't spawn on new rounds
- Fixed bug where spawning in before the level was finished loading turned you into a titan and got you banned (I don't even know)
- Fixed bug where custom spawn settings didn't apply to wave games
- Reduced anti-cheat anal detection
- All textures will now mipmap. If you want to scale textures with quality there is a single option in the GUI that applies to all textures.
- Primitives remade in a proper modeling program, no more 800-poly spheres
- Colliders on primitives should be fixed (invisible wall glitch)
- Added pyramid & cone to level editor
Note: Since the primitives were remade, I can't guarantee their location will be the same in custom maps. "Village" model was also changed, so it may not be in the same place.
human skin sets bug should be fixed
- false alarms on anti-cheats should be fixed, be sure to report any
- issue with bomb mode sometimes spamming winner should be fixed
- editor is smoother now, will no longer lag with larger scripts
- leaves are visible on both sides & will no longer collide
- added sanity checks for the editor, you have to be really dumb to be able to screw up now
- imports were optimized somewhat
- added speedup button for editor (default left control)
- added a copy-to-clipboard button, should resolve any level scripts being cut (the script will be cut off in the GUI if it is too long, but should still copy fully)
- lag around the player-spawn area in the editor fixed
- added an object counter to the script window
- fixed issue where players were spawning in random spots instead of the player-spawn
- added ground skin option for custom levels
- added titan spawn points - I HIGHLY recommend you use these since it will prevent titans from spawning inside random buildings.
- added human skin sets
- added level editor
- fixed bug where some rebinds weren't saving
- fixed bug where anti-mc stealing wasn't working properly
- protection for false instantiations has been added, courtesy of bope
If you come across abusive objects that are still able to be spawned without MC, report them and they'll be added to the ban list.
- fixed game not restarting on switch issue
- fixed bug where bombs would get stuck on player
- added a check on minimum snapshot dmg - should reduce instances where you can't kill a titan
- added reel rebind
- added PT moves (grab, slap, cover nape), reverted titanfu to two-combo
Titan controls are now binded separately from settings, you will need to change your Player Titan keybinds in the GUI.
- fixed titan eye issue, redownload the skins folder
- fixed titan hair bald issue yet again, really wish feng didn't misname RPC but it's my fault for not noticing
- The snapshot crashing & lag issue is 'fixed'. Instead of crashing & causing memory leaks it will just return a blank image. Snapshots are compatible with textures downloaded from IMGUR, so if every skin you download is hosted on that site (which is only really likely if you play single player) the snapshots will render correctly. Otherwise they will show just the damage.
Note: Clear your cache. To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- The unity fatal error MIGHT be fixed. If not there isn't much more I can do. Some people have told me that clearing their browser history, cookies, & reinstalling unity webplayer helped them.
- Titan body upped to 1 MB limit
- Bomb mode bug fixed
- Custom titan eyes are fixed...sorta. They might still be kind of off because the way I fixed it makes absolutely no sense, but i'm not sure if there's a difference or if i'm being paranoid.
- added minimum screenshot damage
- fixed damage mode
- some issues with non-modded clients seeing bald titans were fixed, however if you specify links in custom titan hair they will only be set for modded clients, and everyone else will see a bald titan.
Note: Clear your cache. To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- New titan skins added - head & body are combined into one texture, hair uses male texture hair.
Current limit for the body is 500kb, I'll probably increase it next update. Hair and eyes are 200 kb each.
- weapon trail skin added, 200 kb limit. Redownload the skin folder.
- Skins download all at once before loading, meaning there is slightly more delay in initial skin loading
but it is much more efficient once the textures are cached
- added toggles for wind effect & weapon trail
- /antirock added, disable punk throwing rocks, also may or may not have removed the afros
- /mode spawn added, customize spawn rates, please read the notation for this carefully below
- anticheat improved somewhat
- skins not loading with bald hair bug should be fixed
- PT moves and AI PT mode are not updated. Not really sure what to do with this since PTs suck balls now,
probably what I will do is add in punk moves for player titans. AI PT probably won't be updated since the punk ai
is pretty decent so playing with all punks & no rock throwing will give you the same feel.
- white hexcodes for custom names are now allowed since the change is still noticeable.
- Scarfs should now color according to costume texture
- Hoodie added, 200kb limit, redownload the skins folder
- Added single player skin for eren titan
- Fixed vote kick
- /pass removed. New players will only recognize the lowest ID as masterclient regardless of if you change it
- Fixed a few common exploits used by modders
- Logging in is now possible. Custom names will stay, however you cannot use a plain-white name.
Hexcodes like FFFFFF,FAFAFA,FBFBFB,etc will be automatically trimmed from your name.
Note: To update, you must clear your cache or use incognito mode.
- Bookmarklet code updated to support internet explorer
- Fixed hair color bug
- Human costume & 3dmg/blade size limit upped to 500kb
- name screen will no longer load on character creation screen
- fixed some bugs with not being able to chat, though you will find your name to be buggy if you don't use hex codes correctly
- Custom name & guild name.
You can use hex codes, eg: [ffc000]hi[ff0000]there. There's a 30-char limit for obvious reasons.
- Fixed bug where the chest loaded the costume texture instead of the skin texture.
- Passwords should work correctly now.
Hair color is sorta bugged right now, you won't be able to see anyone else's hair color unless they're using a texture.
Custom titan sizes outside of normal ranges are only visible to people running the mod.
- Human skins are now separated into 10 parts: Hair, eyes, glasses, face (mouth area), skin, costume, left 3dmg/blade, right 3dmg/blade, cape/logo, and gas.
Note: Glasses skins require a model using glasses to work. Costume and hair skins are model dependent, so if you base a hair skin off of female_hair_1, you must use a female character with hair_1 model, same for costumes.
- Skins will retry failed downloads a number of times (should decrease golden mesh bug)
- Shifter skins added
- Nape health mode separated into nape damage mode & actual nape health mode.
- Custom titan size mode added
- /pass added, give masterclient to someone else
- /rules added, check the gamemodes activated
- volume added
200 KB limit on each human part, 1 MB limit on shifter skins
- Skins scaling with quality is now optional
- Fixed bug where master client switch didn't reset team names
- Fixed bug where pressing 1 didn't do anything (or any other HUD bug caused by skins). There is still a 5-10 second delay before the level completely loads and you can spawn, that is normal.
- Custom skin textures now scale with quality settings, this should help reduce lag for lower-end PCs. The max texture scale ends at about half-quality (right before it starts to blur).
- Fixed a few bugs with infection mode (if it gets stuck retype /mode infection # to force a game reset, don't use /restart)
- Master client should no longer override your player titan skin
- City & Forest skins added (tree trunk & house skin limit is 1.5 mb)
- Skins are now loaded from a GUI accessed via pause menu. Thanks to Innti for introducing me to this.
- Air-reloading added
- Nape health mode added (sorta)
- custom titan spawning added
- /ban added
- infinite stamina no longer being updated (maybe ai pt is possible now)
- Infection mode added (partly functional with unmodded clients), please only use this in Forest I / City I
- Skins should now download completely before loading, and joining servers w/ skins should no longer
lag at the beginning(thanks to bope for giving me a few tips).
- /loadconfig addded
- /antieren added
- added friendly fire for teams & bomb mode
- names colored based on team, more aesthetic team scores, etc.
- team sorting added, courtesy of Innti
- point mode added, first to x points wins, endless respawn if used with bomb mode
- titan skins are now loaded from dynamic lists:
If local mode, any file starting with "head" or "body" in their respective folders and ending in .png
is eligible. If multiplier mode, any URL under the lists specified in the config is eligible.
- default local skin extentions changed to png
- Horse skins added
- Titan skins added - you may have a maximum of 5 varieties of titans, which will show if either
you are M or if you choose to play as a player titan. A random number 1-5 is chosen, and that particular skin will be taken
either from the "TitanHeads" and "TitanBodies" folders or from the 5 URL pairs in the config file, depending on the setting.
If a file is missing or a URL is left blank, it will count as a default skin. Player titan skins use only titanskin1.
*Both the Head and Body links have to be filled in for the titan to work! I'll probably change this later
- Skins are now stored rather than downloading every spawn. This should make the lag better, but if skins affect your gameplay
disable them by setting config to 0.
- Scarfs, capes, ponytails should now color correctly
- Multiplayer skin limit increased to 500kb
- Team mode added
- WOW camera special ability bug fixed (I think)
- Flare cooldown reduced to 5 seconds
- TPS vertical look angles increased
- Added player titan moves
- Some multiplayer commands
- Text input limits removed (server name, time limit, etc.)
- displays player IDs for /kick command
- displays room name and # of current players / max players
- Stamina bar removed
- Player Titan mode
- Titan explode mode
- Human vs Human bomb mode
- Custom Skins - visible to anyone running RC mod.
- WOW camera special ability bug fixed (probably)
- /kick changed to use IDs instead of names, IDs are displayed next to players' kdr
- /mkick removed
- shows room name and # of players / max players
- fixed bug where joining a game with bomb mode would restart it prematurely
- bomb stats changed for each individual map
- bombs can now be used while riding horses
- press special ability again to detonate a bomb early
Bomb stats:
Forest: Range 280, explosion radius 35, initial cooldown 10s.
City/Outside: Range 400, explosion radius 50, initial cooldown 10s.
Akina: Range 200, explosion radius 10, initial cooldown 30s.
- airdodge no longer being updated
- stamina bar removed
- titan explode mode (totally not a ripoff)
- human vs human bomb mode
- kicking as M will no longer call for a vote. People also can not vote kick if you are M.
- typing /kick while not M will display it in chat
- Added player titan mode
- Added /mkick